We Will Get You Noticed Name badges establish a professional image for your company, your customers feel more comfortable knowing who they are speaking to and your staff take pride knowing that they are a
Please Call Michael for Assistance or Email Michael for fast results +61 04300 22446 personifybadges@gmail.com
We Will Get You Noticed Name badges establish a professional image for your company, your customers feel more comfortable knowing who they are speaking to and your staff take pride knowing that they are a
Mouse MatsA range of Mouse Mats with your logo and company message can be made to suit your budget. Great as give a ways advertising what you do and used in all office
MugsPrinted Mugs can be used as gifts or around the office, they come in a variety of shapes and colours. Your logo and message can be printed on them.
CalendersWhy not give your customers something to remember you by over the coming year. We have a range of sizes to suit all budgets.
Wrist BandsWrist Bands are used as a promotion tool, identifying children in child care centres when going on excursions or as a security measure at concerts and the list keeps growing. They can
Key RingsKey Rings are used as a promotional tool to promote your business, displaying your marketing message. They can be made in plastic, metal or a combination.Say thank you to your club members
Fridge MagnetsFridge Magnets are a very cost effective way to promote what you do, they are more likely to be kept than business cards and being magnetic customers put them on fridges and
LanyardsA range of colours and sizes of lanyards and wristbands, plain or with your company’s logo and message will give that professional look to your clients. All Lanyards now come with safety breakaway
RibbonsA wide range of printed ribbons can be supplied for sporting events, student encouragement, sports placing, competition rankings if we do not have one pre printed let Personify have one specially made for
School MerchandiseSpecially printed Rulers, Wrist Bands, Mugs, Lanyards, Sports Medallions, Plaque’s and Ribbons can be made to your specifications. Equipment Identification Tags/Stickers can be printed with school logo and information requirements. If you